sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2012

Cartas boas que os personagens dão em Yu-Gi-Oh Forbiden Memories

 Como Ganhar Cartas Raras:

heishin 1st:

twin head thunder dragon atk/2800 def/2100
sangan of the thunder atk/2600 def/2200
labyrint tank atk/2400 def/2400
meteor b. dragon atk/3500 def/2000
flame cerebrus atk/2100 def/1800
aqua dragon atk/2250 def/1800

heishin 2nd:

suijin atk/2500 def/2400
kazejin atk/2400 def/2200
sangan of the thunder atk/2600 def/2200
meteor b. dragon atk/3500 def/2000
twin head thunder dragon atk/2800 def/2100
kaiser dragon atk/2300 def/2000
gate guardian ritual atk/- def/- chances de ganhar 0,005%
zoa atk/2600 def/1900

jono 2nd:

meteor b. dragon atk/3500 def/2000
red eyes b. dragon atk/2400 def/2000

meadow mage:

meteor b. dragon atk/3500 def/2000
skull knight atk/2650 def/2250
curse of dragon atk/2000 def/1500
gaia the fierce knight atk/2300 def/2100
meteor dragon atk/1800 def/2000
firewing pegasus atk/2250 def/1850
bracchio raidus atk/2200 def/2000
gaia the dragon champion atk/2600 def/2100 chances de ganhar 0,0005%
dark magician atk/2500 def/2100

mountain mage:

meteor b. dragon atk/3500 def/2000
meteor dragon atk/1800 def/2000
skull knight atk/2650 def/2250
firewing pegasus atk/2250 def/1850
tyhone #2 atk/1700 def/1900 chance de ganhar 15%


megamorph atk/- def/- equipa 1000 pontos
dragon treasure atk/- def/-
dark energy atk/- def/-
bickuribox atk/2300 def/2000

seto 3rd:

blue eyes with dragon atk/3000 def/2500
zoa atk/2600 def/1900
ultimate dragon atk/-  def/-


qualquer equip
qualquer magica
qualquer ritual exeto : ultimate dragon,gate guardian ritual e black magic ritual
meteor b. dragon atk/3500 def /2000
red eyes b. dragon atk/2400 def/2000


megamorph atk/- def/-
dian keto cure master atk/- def/-
suijin atk/2500 def/2400
kazejin atk/2400 def/2200
sangan of the thunder atk/2600 def/2200
ultimate ritual atk/- def/-
blue eyes with dragon atk/3000 def/2500
twin head thunder dragon atk/2800 def/2100
dark magician atk/2500 def/2100
meteor b.dragon atk/3500 def/2000

weevil underwood:

cocoon of evolution atk/0000 def/2000 chances de ganhar 7%
jirai gumo atk/2200 def/800

labyrint mage:

twin head thunder dragon atk/2800 def/2100
sangan of the thunder atk/2600 def/2200
suijin atk/2500 def/2400
kazejin atk/2400 def/2200
gate guardian ritual atk/- def/- chances de ganhar 25%


metalzoa atk/3000 def/2300 chances de ganhar 12%
zoa atk/2600 def/1900
summoned skull atk/2500 def/1200 chances de ganhar 8%

high mage atenza:

seiyariu atk/2500 def/2300
crimson sunbird atk/2300 def/1800
kaiser dragon atk/2300 def/2000
b. dragon jungle king atk/2100 def/1800
b. skull dragon atk/3200 def/2500 chances de ganhar 0,0001%

seto 2nd:

dark magician atk/2500 def/2100
gaia the fierce knight atk/2300 def/2100
judge man atk/2200 def/1500
twin head thunder dragon atk/2800 def/2100


petit moth atk/300 def/200
larvae moth atk/750 def/500
comenecent dance atk/- def/-

9 comentários:

  1. Isso é verídico? O sumoned skull é possível sem mod?

  2. O Black Skull Dragon eu já ganhei no playstation na epoca, infelizmente não lembro de quem dropou, mais o Sumoned Skull nunca ouvi falar... será verdade mesmo?

  3. jogo vidiogame a 22 anos yu-gi-oh a dez ou mas so nuca concegui dragao supremo de olhos azul descupa erro de grafia tou bebado oje kkkk

  4. Para ganhar o Meteor B Dragon tem de jogas no mínimo 146 vezes com o megi do campo de guerreiro só o primeiro cara
